Retrieving User Accounts
Application Side API
In order to get user's accounts you need to use Application Side API.
Form Data
- id int required
- limit int Default: 1000
- offset int Default 0
- order Default id => asc
- filters Default null
- fields Defaul ['*']
- X-MailerLite-Public
- X-MailerLite-Signature
Request Example
curl -v http://api.mailerlite.loc/app/master/users/123/accounts \
-H "X-MailerLite-Public: 7ba8524e51d40b22c123758716880268" \
-H "X-MailerLite-Signature: ODE5YmYwYzUwODdhZGI2NTEyNGQzMThiZDJmNzFmOTYwY2Y0ZWZmNzI4YjVmZmM3ZWE2ZGZlY2IxYmZhYjhjOA=="
Response Example
"id": 19198,
"name": "AB Smala",
"from": "",
"from_name": "UAB Smala",
"link": "asdfasdf",
"date": "2012-12-13 19:44:31",
"registration_email": "",
"...": "...",
"id": 148499,
"name": "UAB Smala",
"from": "",
"from_name": "UAB Smala",
"link": "",
"date": "2013-08-01 10:41:38",
"registration_email": "",
"...": "...",
"error": {
"code": 123,
"message": "User not found"
Updated less than a minute ago