Get single subscriber [Rate limited]

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Response Body Parameters

idintegerID of a subscriber
emailstringEmail address
namestringName of a subscriber
sentintegerCount of emails sent to subscriber
openedintegerCount of emails opened by subscriber
clickedintegerCount of clicks made by subscriber
typestringAvailable values:

- active
- bounced
- unsubscribed
- junk
- unconfirmed
signup_ipstringIPv4 or IPv6 address indicating the subscriber's signup
signup_timestampstringUTC in format Y-m-d H:i:s
confirmation_ipstringIPv4 or IPv6 address indicating the subscriber's opt-in
confirmation_timestampstringUTC in format Y-m-d H:i:s
fieldsarray of objects Subscriber's Field ValueArray which contains default and custom fields.
date_subscribestringImportant only when getting Subscribers in a Group. It shows when subscriber is added to group.

Date format: Y-m-d
Default value: null.
date_unsubscribestringImportant only when getting Subscribers in a Group. It shows when subscriber's status changed to unsubscribed.

Date format: Y-m-d H:i:s
Default value: null.
date_createdstringDate when subscriber is created

Format: Y-m-d H:i:s
date_updatedstringDatetime when subscriber is updated:

Format: Y-m-d H:i:s


Signup & Confirmation fields

  • signup_ip
  • signup_timestamp
  • confirmation_ip
  • confirmation_timestamp

Those fields are filled automatically using our built-in webforms.

When double opt-in is enabled and subscriber signs up, we fill only signup_* fields. After subscriber's confirmation, confirmation_* fields are updated too.

When double opt-in is disabled, all the fields are filled with the same data because sign up and confirmation is performed as a single action.

Subscriber profile image

We use Gravatar profile images for subscriber profile in web application. The image below is used as default.


Path Params

ID or email of subscriber


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