Send, schedule or cancel campaign [Rate limited]

Every action is active due to some conditions (campaign type) described in table below.

ActionCampaign typeCampaign StatusDescription
draftYou can send every campaign in draft which has step value equal to 3
outboxYou can cancel every campaign in outbox.

Please take attention that every action is available only for specific type campaigns:

  • send: you can send or schedule those campaigns which are in draft and has step value equal to 3
  • cancel: you can cancel only those campaigns which are in outbox

Send or schedule campaign

Send or schedule endpoint has additional body parameters associated with Google analytics, schedule and followup campaigns.

Campaign sending time

We provide two options how campaign can be sent regarding to sending time.

Send now

There is no need to use request parameters for all types of campaigns.

Send later (schedule)

For all types of campaigns:

  • type = 2
  • date is required
  • timezone_id is optional. Default value is ID of timezone which is associated with Account


Followup campaign schedule

If campaign type is followup, its followup mail will be sent 24 hours from campaign sending time by default. If you want to set custom time for followup campaign, then use these additional request parameters:

  • followup_schedule = specific
  • followup_date is required
  • followup_timezone_id is optional. Default value is ID of timezone which is associated with Account

Request Body Parameters

typeIntegerPossible values:

- 1 - send instantly (default value)
- 2 - schedule send
followup_scheduleStringPossible values:

- 24h - followup mail is sent in 24 hours (default value)
- specific - must provide custom time described below

Only for followup campaigns
analyticsIntegerPossible values:

- 0 - false
- 1 - true

yyyy-mm-dd H:i

Available when type is 2
timezone_idIntegerID of Timezone

Available when type is 2

yyyy-mm-dd H:i

Available only for followup campaigns when followup_schedule is specific
followup_timezone_idIntegerID of Timezone

Available only for followup campaigns when followup_schedule is specific
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!